Weekly Developer Notes – 10th December 2021

A nice productive week in terms of what got done. More progress on the new Content Header design and had gone through the first round of review with the designer. The list of changes was small as the design is fairly complex but once this has been nailed the rest of the different variations should be easier.

I also paired with my line manager on a ticket that has been floating about for a while and found out it was the third party software that was causing the issue so a nice quick win. I also paired with others on the pattern library for integration into the journal as well as some JavaScript and accessibility.

Pairing is a good thing as you learn new things off the other person while getting work done and would encourage it as much as possible. Everyday is a school day.

The amount of meetings crept up this week due to the content headers which is ok and got time to chat with the other Front End Developer in the company about the pattern library and improvements that could be done.

I did my 10% on the JavaScript course that I am doing at the moment to better myself. At the moment I am going through the arrays section which is fairly easy so far.

Finally had the accessibility project handed over to me which means we are hopefully going to focus a lot more on the making sure the journal is fully accessible and maintain this after the website has been tested fully externally. The journal I believe is in good shape but putting the cherry on top with the external testing will make it great.

Posted in Web